Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kite Boarding

Louis and Chriss love Coca Cola.  Unfortunately, that didn't stop the Coke truck they were driving behind from randomly stopping in the middle of the road and then proceeding to back into their truck.  Since the truck is a less common one in Kenya, it's been sitting at the shop in Mombasa for more than a week now, waiting for a new windshield to be shipped in.

That leaves the rest of us with one car to share.  Let's just say we haven't gotten out of the house a lot this week.  Add an especially bad week of internet and you can guess how we were feeling.

But, don't worry.  Louis thought it was the perfect opportunity to take kite boarding (also called kite surfing) lessons down at the resort by our house.  Louis, Taylor, and I each had about six hours of lessons over the course of three days.  Only Taylor has managed to get up for more than a few seconds.  Still, it is a fun sport.  You basically steer a big kite while riding on a wake board in the ocean.  You can do it by our house since there's a lot of wind plus a reef that breaks the waves.  You wear a helmet and a harness.  Like I said, we are not at all good, but that was our excitement for the week.  And no, that picture is not us.  Sadly.

I am finding ways to be busy by doing some transcribing work and also studying for the GRE.  (Why not?)  Taylor and Louis are exploring options for the Asante Foundation.  They've visited a low-cost housing development and a fish farm in the last few weeks. 

Can't wait to see (most of) you in two weeks!


  1. Swee-eet ! I am ceratinly gonna try this! :D
    Sea, Watch out(the pun! ) , here, i come! :)

  2. I'm a little jealous because I've always wanted to try this! Awesome.:) I'm glad you are keeping busy. Man, sorry about not getting out...but hopefully you are still finding cool things to do? :) Love you!


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