Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Only One Week Left

It's been quite the summer. We are down to just three of us at the house, and by tomorrow it will be just Taylor and I living here. We'll have a lot of clean-up jobs to do with storing things, paying final bills, and returning borrowed items.

We've said goodbye to the people at the branch. For me, they've been the highlight of the summer. I have fully enjoyed seeing the church's growth here in India, and the members are very impressive. We will miss them.

On Saturday morning, we'll be on a flight to northern India. As you can see in the picture, Darjeeling is beautiful. We're going to be spending about three days there. It's a little village at the base of the Himalayas, and it's pretty famous among old-time mountaineers. Taylor's been wanting to go there. Actually, he would really like to go to Nepal. I figure if he can't actually climb Everest (and he is definitely NOT allowed to do that ever), he can at least see it from afar.

Then, we're flying back to the US for a few weeks to be with family.

Then, we're going to Paraguay for thee months to intern at Fundacion Paraguaya at their self-sustainable agricultural school. At this same time, our Indian employment visas should have enough time to process.

And then...we're still a little unsure of the future. Basically we have three options:

Option A: move back to India and take Tay's job offer or internship offer.
Option B: stay on in Paraguay if they offer a job.
Option C: run a climbing gym with two of Tay's best friends
Option D: do something we haven't even thought of yet.

We're planning on Option A with the job offer, but we still have to wait for visas to come through. Plus, I don't want to completely rule out the idea that Paraguay may be amazing and want to hire us full time. We'll see, I guess.

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