Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mandy Saves the Day

We were out taking pictures this morning and found that the door to one of the pig pens was broken . One of the new piglets had gotten out. We cornered it around the side of the barn and Mandy grabbed it. But, not before Chicle (the farm dog) lightly placed his teeth on the piglet's neck! The piglet was squealing in terror.... so was Mandy.

In the end, we secured the piglet and returned it to its hippo-sized mother. Close save.


  1. It really was traumatizing. It never tells you in Charlotte's Web, but pigs make the most awful shrieking sounds ever. This piglet was no exception.

  2. Mandy, we are so proud that you saved the one!

  3. OH NO! I would have been a mess! I hate it when animals are hurt. :) I'm glad you rescued it Mandy! :) xoxox


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